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Canada Book Award Winner and Finalist in the CBCAs!


October has been filled with many great feats for 'The Adventures of Vylette Bunny and Michie'! I am excited to announce that the book was awarded a Canada Book Award and has been selected by The Canadian Book Club Awards (CBCA) as a finalist in the Kid's/ Children's Category! The Canada Book Awards programme is not a contest but an ongoing assessment and acknowledgment of outstanding Canadian author contributions to the world. The Canadian Book Club Awards hosts an annual contest within various literary categories. The judges are avid book readers in various book clubs across Canada. They carefully select the finalists and choose winners in each category.

I was thrilled to receive the back-to-back notifications about these achievements and I feel very honoured to be in such a position within Canada.

Since January 2021, I have put much focus into creating this book and I am grateful for the support from others. I am also thankful for Tellwell Publishing and the amazing illustrator, I. Cenizal for bringing the characters to life on each page. I will never forget how I felt the first time that I saw the characters. I opened the email attachment on my iPhone, and I almost cried happy tears. I said, "My babies are here!" I had an idea in my mind of how the characters would look but seeing them was a phenomenal experience. The story was taking shape and was it was no longer just a dream, but a reality. The images of the characters gave the story a pulse!

The book is available at Octopus Books in Ottawa. You can order from their website or in store. You can also purchase from Amazon, Chapters Indigo, Barnes and Noble, Target and The Book Depository online.

I will update my blog about the outcome for the CBCAs once the winner is chosen. Again, this book has been a huge accomplishment but reaching these achievements have made me feel special. I am working on a sequel to 'The Adventures of Vylette Bunny and Michie' so please stay tuned!



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